Farmers’ Market Membership

The BC Association of Farmers’ Markets represents over 145+ authentic farmers’ markets in communities across BC. We are committed to developing and strengthening the capacity of farmers’ markets through training, promotion, education, research and advocacy.

We offer our member farmers’ markets:

  • Education, strengthening and networking opportunities
  • Marketing, promotions and public engagement
  • Research and advocacy to support farmers’ markets in BC
  • Influence on key decisions
  • Access to special pricing and programs
  • A voice in the future of BC’s farmers’ markets and local food systems

How to Apply for Farmers’ Market Membership

2025 – New Applicants – WILL OPEN MID-JANUARY 2025

  1. Review the BCAFM BylawsBCAFM Constitution and BCAFM Farmers’ Market Membership Program Policy to assess eligibility (see Farmers’ Market Member Eligibility below).
  2. Complete the online application (link below).
  3. Once BCAFM reviews your application and if you are approved, you will be emailed instructions how to pay your annual membership fee.


NOTE: If you have questions about the 2024 BC Farmers’ Market Membership Application, please get in touch with us at

2025 – membership renewal

If you were a farmers’ market member in good standing in 2024 and wish to renew your membership, please do so using the link that BCAFM sent you. If you did not receive a renewal reminder email, please email us at

Cancellation Policy:

A minimum of 72 hours notice is required for a full refund (minus a 2% processing fee ie. $1.50) and minus a $10 administrative fee.


Farmers’ Market Member Eligibility

For up to date information about Farmers’ Market Member eligibility and criteria, see:

About Farmers’ Market Membership Application or Renewal

  • BCAFM Farmers’ Market Membership is annual, and the membership year begins April 1st.
  • BCAFM Farmers’ Market Membership annual fees can be found here.
  • If you have questions about membership or eligibility, please contact BCAFM. All new applicants should contact BCAFM before applying.


1. online market listing on BC Farmers’ Market Trail Directory

Get your market listed in the definitive online guide to BC farmers’ markets, including 145+ member farmers’ markets across the province:

The BC Farmers’ Market Trail is a collaborative initiative that makes it easy for tourists and locals to find fresh, local, in-season food and artisan goods at local farmers’ markets.

2. Access to Special Pricing – see below for details

As a member, you are eligible to receive reduced rates on workshops, webinars and conferences.

Farmers’ Market Members may also be eligible to receive group rates on farmers’ market commercial general liability insurance starting at $350 per annum for up to $5 million coverage from the Co-operators.

3. Access to Special Programs

BCAFM members can apply to participate in special programs and campaigns including the BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program, province-wide marketing campaigns, research and capacity building activities.

4. Use of Farmers’ Market Signs on Highways

Access to Ministry of Highways approved sign(s) for your BCAFM urban farmers market.

5. Receive the BC Farmers’ Markets Newsletter

Stay up to date on resources, funding opportunities, best practices, and the latest BCAFM activities. Our Newsletter shares timely and practical tips to help your farmers’ market grow. An excellent source of information on new programs. Check out the latest edition.

6. BCAFM Listserve

Members can seek advice, inspiration and ideas from their farmers’ market peers on the BCAFM’s listserv.

7. Right to Vote!

Shape the future direction of the BCAFM and BC farmers’ markets by voting on important matters at the AGM or joining the Board of Directors.

Benefits & Program Partners

Farmers’ Market Commercial General Liability Insurance & Directors and Officers Insurance

As a BCAFM Farmers’ Market Member, your market may be eligible to access a group rate on Farmers’ Market Commercial General Liability Insurance starting at $350 per annum for up to $5 million coverage from the Co-operators. To protect your board members from exposure to lawsuits against your organization, Directors and Officers coverage is also available.



Edible Vancouver & Wine Country and Edible Vancouver
Members receive a 10% discount on any advertising package.



Farm Food Drink
A specialist team with expertise in business development, financial management, research, marketing, communications, and graphic design. Preferred pricing available for a range of services:

  • Free Marketing Tune-Up – 1 hour Workshop (Value: $200)
  • Google My Business Account Setup & Guide (Value: $150, Member cost: $50)
  • Landing Page Design (Value: $1,000, Member cost: $500)
  • Branded Roll Up or Vinyl Banner Design (Value: $900,
    Member cost: $300)
  • 15% Off All Farm Food Drink Services


My Market Scout
This online platform and directory for market vendors and organizers makes it simple to discover new markets, attract great vendors, promote your event, and grow your market attendance. BCAFM member markets receive an exclusive 40% discount on their market listing on My Market Scout using the code BCAFM40 with the option of two listing types:

  • List one-off events of up to four consecutive days such as holiday markets. This is offered at a rate of $12 per listing (regular price is $20/listing).
  • Recurring markets can avail of an annual listing at a regular price of $43.20 per listing per year (regular price is $72 per yearly listing).
  • Current BCAFM vendor members can use the platform for free, no registration necessary.



Rebel Communications Group
A marketing and communications company specializing in custom printing services, including trade show and event displays and promotional merchandise. Receive a 15% discount on:

*Margins are subject to change and may vary on each product and service. BCAFM members will be quoted for the cost of the project to ensure approval before work begins.


Rising Tide Business Services
Rising Tide Business Services is part of Rural Islands Economic Partnership (RIEP) and is a marketing agency with a focus on supporting local businesses launch and. Any BCAFM vendor member can avail of these offers, regardless of whether they are located on BC’s rural islands:

  • FREE website audit or Social Media Review
  • FREE 3-month subscription to the Rising Tide Business Helpline
  • 10% discount on a website renewal/refresh or E-commerce Platform (if you work with Rising Tide to develop a website/E-commerce platform)



A platform dedicated to helping users find and secure grant and funding opportunities. Members receive access to free Pocketed Basic accounts using unique promotional code ‘BCFarmersMarket



Local Line
Local Line helps farmers, producers, and food hubs sell online and optimize their order fulfillment. The e-commerce, CRM, inventory and logistics modules enable you to create your store, find new customers, and turn your passion into profit. Subscriptions start as low as $30/month. Try Local Line today and get a free premium feature using our coupon code, BCAFM, when registering.

Premium features are listed here.



West Coast Seeds

BCAFM members receive a 15% discount on all seed packets, hard goods, and live goods*, sold directly by West Coast Seeds via their website only:

*Artisan Seed Packets and Food Banks Canada Collection not included

Members can redeem their 15% discount by:

  • Using the discount code “BCAFM2025” on the check out page + the email address they use for BCAFM membership. Please note this is a double validation to ensure that exclusive discount codes do not get distributed widely online, so please ensure that your email address is the same one you provided to BCAFM.
  • No minimum purchase
  • Unlimited use
  • Online purchases only
  • Discount available until Dec 30, 2025


Apply or Renew Your Farmers' Market Membership

BCAFM Farmers' Market Membership is annual, and the membership year begins April 1st. New applicants are encouraged to contact BCAFM before applying.