BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program
We collaborate with community organizations and BCAFM member farmers’ markets to provide farmers’ market coupons to lower-income families, pregnant people and seniors.
The coupon program is supported by the Province of British Columbia. We also acknowledge community donors for their generous support.
How the Program Works
The Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program (FMNCP) is a healthy eating initiative that supports farmers’ markets and strengthens food security across British Columbia. Community partner organizations provide coupons to lower-income families, pregnant people and seniors. Coupons can be spent at all BCAFM member farmers’ markets that participate in the FMNCP, and can be used to purchase vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, dairy, herbs, vegetable & fruit plants, honey, meat and fish.
Households enrolled in the program may receive up to $27 per week in coupons for up to 16 weeks. The amount, frequency and duration can vary according to each partner’s program guidelines and the length of the Farmer’s Market season in the community.
Coupons can be used at any participating BC Farmers’ Market.
BC Farmers’ Markets does not give out coupons directly to participants. You must get in touch with your local community partner directly who you can find on our Where It Operates page and then search their contact information. Please note that there is high demand and limited funding for this program across BC, and capacity will vary from partner to partner.
Program History
The Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program began in 2007 as a pilot project operating in each of the regional health authorities. The Ministry of Health began funding the program in 2012. The program successfully expanded from 2012-2014 and has been in full operation since 2015. It has continued to grow since and now serves over 85 communities and reaches over 18,000 families, seniors and pregnant people from over 10,000 households in BC.
Q. Why farmers’ markets?
Farmers’ Markets are a central part of any community in B.C. By giving people access to a farmers’ market, we are not only providing fresh, local produce to the people, we are also supporting local growers within the community.
Q. How do I get coupons?
To find out more about how to get coupons, please head to our Where It Operates page to find your community partner. BC Farmers’ Markets does not give out coupons directly to participants. You must get in touch with your local community partner directly. Please note that there is high demand and limited funding for this program across BC, and capacity will vary from partner to partner.
Q. I am a market manager, how do I get coupons for my market?
Please go to our BC Farmers’ Markets page to find out how to participate.
Q. I work for a community organisation that serves low-income British Columbians. How can I get coupons for them?
Please go to our Community Partners page to find out how to become a community partner