Support the Program
There are many ways you can support the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program in your community, from donating funds to thanking existing supporters.
Donate to your Community
Give the gift of fresh, locally grown food to families facing economic barriers, while supporting BC farmers. Here are a few ways you can support and grow the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program in your community and beyond!
The BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Fund
We have launched a new online fundraising platform to provide fresh, locally grown food to thousands of British Columbians facing economic barriers, while directly supporting local farmers across BC.
Individuals, local businesses, sports teams and other organizations can now donate directly to the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program (FMNCP) and be eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
Program Supporters
The Farmer’s Market Nutrition Coupon Program is a partnership between the BC Association of Farmers’ Markets, the Province of British Columbia and the Provincial Health Services Authority. The Program operates in 79 communities, where local farmers’ markets partner with local community organizations that work with the priority populations that receive the coupons.
The BC Government aims to improve the health and well-being of British Columbians at every stage of life. The BC Government helps British Columbians to better manage their own health and reduce chronic disease by focusing on four key areas: healthy eating, healthy lifestyles, resources for parents and fostering healthy communities.
For more information about the BC Government’s healthy eating initiatives, visit its website here.
The Population and Public Health Program at BC Centre for Disease Control, Provincial Health Services Authority works with partners and a variety of stakeholders across the province to promote healthy eating.
For more information about the Population and Public Health Program at BC Centre for Disease Control, visit its website here.
Community Funders
In many communities, local funders are helping to increase the number of people who benefit from the Farmer’s Market Nutrition Coupon Program. Through their support, the Program reach has expanded. The following funders and initiatives have added more than $250,000 in coupons to the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program.
Thank you to the following community funders:
The Columbia Basin Trust is expanding the Program in the Columbia Basin to increase capacity in existing communities and to bring the Program to new communities. This contribution supports an additional 227 coupon recipients in the region.
The Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation is sponsoring over 40 families on Salt Spring Island.
Are you interested in supporting this Program in your community?
We would love to show you how easy it is! Contact us.